If ever evidence was needed of the polo community being one big family, the Black Forest Polo Trophy at Polo Club Ettikoner Hof was it. Held on 5 - 7 July in this little gem of a club tucked away in the Black Forest, surrounded by woodland and edged by the river Rhine, it really was a gathering. Where did they all come from? I found my self hugging retired players who'd been founding members of polo here over 30 years ago, and players I'd played with and against 20 years ago; players who were toddlers back then and were now polo cracks, along with spectators I'd met at various tournaments in the area. Switzerland was, after all, just across that river. Yes, somehow polo is a family, and a warm-hearted one at that.
The field at Ettikoner Hof is a little under full size, boarded and surrounded by a gallop sand-track. The charming clubhouse with its bar and deck, is at the field edge and raised a bit to give great viewing. Club Manager, Jonatan Purvis, and his wife, Julika, had decided on three aside teams and a round robin tournament. Each of the 5 teams fielded one -2 player and female players outnumbered the men.
Noticeably strong female players were Lupita Böttcher, playing for Deco Domus, and Julika Purvis, who combined well with her husband , Jonatan for Mirabello Consultancy. Dr Dele Ifersen was a great support to her back player, Milton Vazquez, while Lara Kuriger and Kira Wetzel were in the winning team with young Henry Quiroga who demonstrated some stick and ball acrobatics to thrill the crowd. And there was a crowd! Perhaps also drawn by the music and party atmosphere created by DJ Bastiksoul.

The Saturday night asado/disco was in good hands here. He had us up and dancing before the food was served.
Sunday, finals day. Sponsors expected, local dignitaries coming and the food truck on its way. But...hands up all those who are tired of this rain! It rained all Sunday morning and, although it started to clear by midday, the field was deemed too wet to play. A shame as, despite unfriendly weather, an enthusiastic crowd had gathered for the action. They were stars really - cheering for a penalty shootout, which gave us Black Forest Polo as winner, and then following with interest a slow demonstration chukker. They gave the prize-giving the attention and atmosphere it deserved. Stefan Welte from team sponsor Michael Welte Baumaschinen gave a short, appreciative speech. He promised to be back next year. and we'll hold him to that!
Winners Silver Cup
Mirabello Consultancy Conny Ammann/Ladina Frick, Julika Purvis, Jonatan Purvis
Deco Domus/ Brockmann Markus Jacobi, Lupita Böttcher, Santiago Angelucci
Südstern Bölle Silvia Nutz/Jona Marie Nutz, Bernhard Niederhammer, Marcel Lanz

BPP Passion Lotteria owned and played by Jonatan Purvis
MVP Michael Fischer
Winners Gold Cup
Black Forest Polo Lara Kuriger, Kira Wetzel
Henri Quiroga
Michael Welte Baumaschinen
Michael Fischer, Dr Dele Ifersen,
Milton Vazquez

Photo Credit:- pferderennen photos